
23 hours and 5 minutes left


No but I suggest watching out on the prey 17 dxd story tomorrow 6am est


hello everyone i think i might have committed a writing sin as I have written myself in a corner for black sun dragon (Izuku) as it was my first I will not take it down but now I want to move forward so if anyone wants to continue the story you can under the condition that you will finish it my vision had Izuku on a throne in the dragon realm that has mixed with the human realm with his wives as powerful dragon queens or gods next to him I hope this message doesn't hurt anyone as I have tried multiple ways of writing the next chapter but nothing feels right I am sorry my corgis...


Hi all my little corgis and other dogs of the world I have had a mass writer's block with Black Sun Dragon and to put it bluntly I think I am going to reboot it under a new story with a different focus izuku in this will not have the powers but you all will yes big change into a Y/N story but I will be still posting izuku BSD but I might focus more on Y/N BSD so any that are worried I would just get rid of Izuku BSD don't worry it will still be up and posting


What is the next book you are updating?


@Dekuxnejirefan cool love that story


@Halo9090 probably after the chapter on blood code


@Dekuxnejirefan when is black sun god