
Finished chapter 15! Will update again next Thursday :D


Hey Cherry,
          A fellow brit. It's not often I come across people from the U.K. on here so lovely to meet you. I saw your comment in my thread Well-Written Books Wanted for Popular Blog and I'm here with a response. In short, I have an activity called Book Of The Week (BOTW), which was created to discover good books on wattpad and showcase them to visitors of my blog.
          To find out how to nominate your book for BOTW, head to this link:

          Here's the link to the blog:

          Do read the whole page to familiarise yourself with the function of BOTW. Thanks for stopping by the thread and commenting.
          Alecia :)


hello......please add me back and read my latest story zorra titans[and the dark shadow]  ....i'm working on my second chapter the first is posted alredy...please read and  comment....the second chapter will be how she reaches the diagon alley and what she finds there...please read....----kiara ross