
@samridhig96 thanks for this advice, it's amazing you took the time to type that out. Though with your wattpad skills it didn't take much :) I'm trying very hard to write stories and what I'm working on at this very moment is being descriptive and where to space things out. I either write four paragraphs of two seconds or one sentence of an hour and it confuses me. 
          	Now about those cookies. I did mention they were demonic, but I must have forgotten to say they're mine. I don't mean to be too possessive and I'd love to make you some (I'd leave the demonic of them if you wish) but these are mine.


@samridhig96 yeeeeesssssssss! one day, we shall


@DemonicCookies hahahaha! Oh if that happens, I mean if you get famous for good cookies we can throw up tea parties! I'll make tea (my parents say I make good tea...what parents don't give false hope?) and you can make cookies!


@DemonicCookies wow I didn't proof read that


@samridhig96 thanks for this advice, it's amazing you took the time to type that out. Though with your wattpad skills it didn't take much :) I'm trying very hard to write stories and what I'm working on at this very moment is being descriptive and where to space things out. I either write four paragraphs of two seconds or one sentence of an hour and it confuses me. 
          Now about those cookies. I did mention they were demonic, but I must have forgotten to say they're mine. I don't mean to be too possessive and I'd love to make you some (I'd leave the demonic of them if you wish) but these are mine.


@samridhig96 yeeeeesssssssss! one day, we shall


@DemonicCookies hahahaha! Oh if that happens, I mean if you get famous for good cookies we can throw up tea parties! I'll make tea (my parents say I make good tea...what parents don't give false hope?) and you can make cookies!


@DemonicCookies wow I didn't proof read that


I always feel pressured to write something super cool and emotional that will attract people from ten million miles in every direction but the truth is I'm only creative and smooth when I'm alone and I'm practicing what I'm gonna say to people. Wait, maybe I shouldn't have said that. I'm sure other people do that. I can assure that I hard as I try to write a book I will give up on the second chapter and start over. But maybe way way in the future I will. I'm sorry.


@DemonicCookies It happens to the best of all love. when I started out writing back in 10th grade, I usually wrote the first chapter in a diary and then erased it and then wrote it out and so on and so forth.
            I didn't write— and I do mean write not type typing came waaaaaaaay later when I stumbled upon quotev and then found wattpad— my first complete not erased novel when I'd had a really strong plot and I knew what I wanted. 
            so I guess the bottom line is: When the story flows would never go back and change or stop. Every story is like a new born baby that you'd learn to bring up :) Till you find that story that flows out...keep writing what comes out. just don't delete it. Keep it safe. So when you find your inspiration to write them don't have to start from the scratch. :) 
            Lastly, I really like your user name. it gives me contradictory feelings. like, if there were really such cookies...would I eat them? but then seeing how much of a foodie I am...I won't think twice about the consequences before diving onto them.
            Sam xxx


@DemonicCookies I think you described my struggles.


Thanks a billion tons for the follow :D


@DemonicCookies Thanks, and thanks again. Why don't you try again and just leave it? Some people might fall in love with it. In my opinion writing isn't about reality it's about about creativity and what could be a reality but I guess that's just my opinion.


@Heatherfrost08 you are amazingly funny, this may be late, but you also have great stories, I wish I could wrote stories. you know I try then snap back to reality and delete it. than for the follow, you're one cool cat.


@DemonicCookies I still remember when I got my first follower, it felt as if I could do anything (Including jumping off the empire state building 100 times but then casually get up, totally fine or even get mauled by a herd of  rhinos)