
Respect my existence or expect my resistance 


Hey! Me and @-tiredcreativity have made a nee club: The Junior Activists Club. 
          This is a club for all of us Activists to get together and change this trash planet. This is a club for all our ideas to come together and create hope. Hope for humanity, hope for the planet, and just hope in general. 
          We’re going to be the change we want to see. Whether they like it or not. 


Are making a new profile or...


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I’m sick of people saying she was asking for/deserved it. 
          Fuck no, imma shoot you and say you deserved it if you say that bullshit again. 


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“YOU WANT A REVOLUTION, I WANT A REVELATION! SO LISTEN TO MY DECLARATION, “we hold these truths to be self evident that all me are created equal.”” 
          - Angelica Schuyler, Hamilton.
          Man, these words are so powerful. Where Angelica is wanting equal rights for women. This can apply to so much. 
          Like, BLACK LIVES MATTER. 
          All men, women, non-binary are EQUAL. I don’t give a fuck what you say against it. 
          If the government, the people who disagree want us to shut the fuck up, END POLICE BRUTALITY, END SYSTEMATIC RACISM AND RACISM IN GENERAL IN AMERICA. 
          we’re supposed to be the “Land Of The Free” 
          But that only counts towards, straight, white men. 
          Don’t get me wrong, there are men who are coincidentally straight and white—those aren’t a problem. 
          Women, POC, children are treated like dirt. 
          CHANGE THAT. 
          Gen-Z’s we need to rise up and change the way America is ran. We need to end all racism to everyone. Shit’s got to change and we won’t be silenced. 


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@We_Are_TPC fuck yeah she is 


@WomenHelpWomen OMG YES Angelica is legit such a freaking queen!


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What my last post was supposed to say, but I’m a dumbass: if we have standardized *testing* so should gun owners. 
          They should get tested before able to buy a gun. 


@WomenHelpWomen So true, also they should do a morality test with questions like: If you see a colored person on the street, would you A) shoot them B) threaten them or C) act like a normal human being and leave them alone.