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what wilbur did is absolutely fucking disgusting and disappointing. i in no way shape or form condone the actions and behaviors he has done. never once would it have crossed my mind that someone would be able to do such a vile and disgusting thing. my heart goes out to shubble and i hope she will be able to find comfort in her life somehow. there is no clear way for me to approach this situation in my books, as im retired from this account and writing elsewhere on wattpad. all i want to say is that these works are of the past and have no significance to me now. these books r something i look back on and never think much of it. so when you do read my books, if ever again, please do not look at wilbur the same way you used to. who knew an abuser could hide in such plain sight. a man that one used to find comfort in. truly fucking disgusting and truly vile. i hope nothing but the worst comes out if this for him. i stand with shubble.