Im a writer from Norfolk Va and I've been working on a series of short stories entitled: Shadows Beneath the Street Lamp." I've recently published the first installment, "Lullaby for a Lost Soul," on smashwords and have been working on the second installment. I hope you will read my work and share it with others.
You can download a copy for free at smashwords... hit this link..
If you get a chance go like Shadows Beneath the Street Lamp fan page on Face book!/ShadowsBeneathTheStreetLamp
  • Ocean View, Virginia
  • RegistriertOctober 1, 2012

Letzte Nachricht
DerekArdita DerekArdita Oct 01, 2012 09:42PM
@ForeverForeverMine  Ive actually only read one of your srories: ...Secrets.. 
I thought is was very well written and almost envy your style. Im very wordy when I write and its something I constantly...
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Geschichte von Derek Ardita
Shadows Beneath the Street Lamp von DerekArdita
Shadows Beneath the Street Lamp
Shadows beneath the Street Lamp is a series of short stories peering into the dark areas of life. “Lullaby fo...
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