Get off mai lawn.

Daryle is my nickname. Btw.

Hi. I`m @_DerpieDemon_ Sister. ;D

I love Attack on titan, you love Attack on titan. We will be best friends, if you dont like Attack on titan. Well. -Gets knife- :D

I love doges. And animes. c: much anime, so wow
Food is my life
I love chocolate. It is noms
I dont use the internet alot, so dont expect alot of updates.

-Daryle aka Flaming.
  • Watching SnK With DerpieDemon
  • RegistriertApril 20, 2013

Geschichte von Daryle
To Die the Same Death [Jean x Oc] von DerpieDaryle
To Die the Same Death [Jean x Oc]
Jean x OC "Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead" My name is Ria Kinja, and I`m burdened...
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