I believe Wattpad is more of a distraction than a source of comfort at the moment - such as this very second, in which I should be studying for a long exam scheduled in a little over a week from now. It's College Algebra, by the way, the basics of which I didn't even properly learn when I was in high school HAHA. TL;DR - I should be studying right now, but I'm not hehe hehe.
How about you, what's been keeping you busy at the moment? I kind of forgot but - are you too in college, still in high school, or already a graduate of both? Do tell me your worries, and we shall bask in them lest we let them eat us alive.
Ohhh, haha, the secret lies in the usage of "fantabulous." I believe I'm not someone who's able to write fantabulous stories, but for the sake of it - I /am/ writing a new story, something that most probably sucks, and yet something I'm doing for myself anyway :)