WERE THROWING A PARTY AND ALL'S INVITED PASS IT ON!!!!!! XD Location: @Scarlet75 message board Time: 3rd July 4:00 3rd July 8:00 5th July 2:00 5th July 5:00 6th July 7:30 6th July 8:30 Please no spamming but if you choose to do it on @LuvBugSweeties page. For she will spam you back! Creators: @Scarlet75 and @LuvBugSweetie If the times are unreasonable or not at the hour you want or can make it notify @LuvBugSweetie who will add a time and day for the appropriate time. P.S. All time's are P.M. HEY DEZZIE!!! What's up? So yeah me and my friend had a crazy idea to throw a party on her board so yeah come if your online bye!