
oh ya, posted my Doom_Shadowz :)


Hey guys, this is a message for all readers of Under the Water.
          So recently throughout the book Scarlette and Quinn have shared and repeated many of each others conversations in their own POV's but since they are now together more often that may get boring, so I will attempt to work it out so that things are not to often repeated. 
          Thank you for everyone reading it! ^_^


So hey everone. I just want to thank you all. BTW have any of you read the young elites or legend by Marie Lu? The second book in the young elites series came out yesterday and I bought it. Tell me if you have it or have read it! I want to her your thoughts on it!
          P.S; chapter 10 may just be posted in the near future!


hey guys we published a chapter of The Two Sociopaths who took over the FBI.. CIA.. and Basically rule the Apocalypse. accidentally we are finishing it up so please read again where you left of cause you missed alot of awesomeness