
It's discussion day! Don't forget to post your comments :)


@yaoiChibi you are right. The discussions are about the book of the week so you are right that we shouldn't do that. I guess I said that because it seemed like last book not as many people joined in the discussion, and I feel bad if the numbers get lower each week for that person who choose the book. 
          I understand if people don't want to join in on the book if it's something they don't feel comfortable reading.
          Usually I would say the point of a book club is to try new and different books, then come together at the end of week and discuss your likes and dislikes. 
          Someone could come and say I read the first few chapters but found that this book wasn't to my liking. And could either go into more detail why or leave it at that. That is, what I believe happens in real life book clubs. (I could be wrong. Haha.)
          However this is a book with some dark themes so I understand if people don't want to do that. 
          Ahh, this comment is so long! Sorry! Haha
          Bottom line: I would like everyone to to participate, but don't feel you have to if doing so makes you uncomfortable. 


@yaoiChibi Aww, no dear, don't ever hold you tongue. I like hearing other's opinion's about things, and how this club should work. I am always open to suggestions and love hearing new ideas! :D
            And it is kinda hard to manage two accounts. haha. But I didn't want to run the book club through my normal account, so I try. haha.


@kathyyjane Hahahaha. Now, I see what you're trying to do with the book club. Pretty neat! But, it's kinda hard since not everyone can stay on Wattpad and keep hitting the refresh button. So yeah, what a bummer.
            Honestly, I got nothing else to add. I can see that you have a clear direction for the club and I should hold my tongue. Hahahaha. In this case, my fingers. Anyway, I hope some people will understand what you're trying to do and cooperate. And I'm glad that a lot of people have started joining the club. It means I get to read more books! So, yeah. Good on you, girl!
            And yes, I will stay beautiful if you do the same. *cheeky smile* Hahahaha. 
            P.S. I always wanted a second account. But, I'm pretty bad at handling two accounts. Hahahaha.


@yaoiChibi see! this is what a discussion should be like. Two people sharing the opinons. haha.
            And yes, I agree with you. I even said on the chapter of the book "if you don't like it after giving a couple chapters a try, that's fine. Don't force yourself to read it." And at the beginning of the club I told everyone they only had to read as much of the story as they wanted due to time and if they didn't enjoy it because I want it to be fun for everyone.
            My only thing was I wanted people willing to discuss what they read even if it was only a few chapters.
            But again, with sinsitive topics it is understandable if that does not happen. :)
            We have had some really great members for this club, it makes me happy that most people have joined in each week.
            I love seeing what others think of books that I have read!
            Stay beautiful, hun <3xx
            btw, this is me just on my other account. I'm just lazy to log out and into this one. haha.


@DewdropsOnDaisies I have no quarrels with dark themes. Heck, I enjoy light BDSM so this is no problem. But, isn't it a bit rude if someone who doesn't like the book joined the discussion with nothing but comments about their tastes in genres? I mean, we discuss coz it's about the book of the week, right? Wouldn't it be better to just let them off once and then, if they repeat it, you take them off the club? Just a suggestion, though. Not everyone's gonna be like that and sometimes, there'll be some members that can't stomach such themes. ^_^


Okay, since two people have commented about not wanting to read this weeks book because of it's theme, I want to announce this to everyone.
          Fighting for Control is a story about a boy who gets trapped into an abusive relationship and has some other problems with another guy. It has detail scenes with sexual abuse, so if you find this a hard topic to read, don't read it.
          The first book does go in a direction that is a little better since one person becomes protective and tries to save the other, but it will still be detailed.
          The sequel is different. It is still about being in an unhealthy relationship, and it still has some of those dark moments, but it is different and in my opinion much lighter then the first one.
          It doesn't bother me if you are unable to read this story, but on discussion day you should still comment something, even if it is a simple "Hey, this wasn't my type of story. I prefer to read books about..."
          I have been choosing stories at random, but I won't choose yours if you don't participate. And if you already got chosen, please still participate as it is the fair thing to do.
          Thanks everyone.