"Silence is still an answer"
Black Lives Matter if you think that they don't then please check your privilege and unfollow me.
Firstly: My profile page will have a link to campaigns you can sign for and donate to including a stream that you can watch on youtube where all proceeds go to groups and non-profit organizations for black lives: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/
Secondly: I want to ask you all to spend time educating yourselves about the struggles of black people. Especially if you are white or a non-black person of colour. We all benefit from racist systems in our countries and colourism in some way shape or form. Remember that privilege doesn't make your life easier it just makes it less difficult. Also, it is not up to the black people in your life to educate you. They are exhausted and working on overdrive. There are plenty of resources available on an internet search away.
What is happening to black people isn't right or fair, whether it be in the past or now, and if anyone tells you anything else they are wrong! These protests are happening and if they do turn violent remember that it is the police/ armed security who react first to what starts off as something very peaceful.
Look at yourself and ask, "Is my privilege worth the lives of black people?" I hope to heaven your answer isn't "yes". Because that is what is currently happening.
To all my LGBTQIA+ folk, Happy Pride Month!
Dhrish xx