"If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking."
-Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood
  • Soleil
  • SumaliMay 24, 2017


Huling Mensahe
Diamond_Tail Diamond_Tail Nov 05, 2018 02:40PM
Tingnan ang lahat ng mga usapan

Mga kuwento ni DiamondTail
When She Lay Beneath the Moon ni Diamond_Tail
When She Lay Beneath the Moon
In every villain of a story, an untold pain will be unfold.
+5 pa
The End of Lullaby (Lefevre Series 1) ni Diamond_Tail
The End of Lullaby (Lefevre Series...
There is always a broken piece with uncuttable curse.
Red: Flames and Fire ni Diamond_Tail
Red: Flames and Fire
Rouges aren't love, but flames; flames that will fire you and leave your scars uncured.
+4 pa
1 Reading List