this message may be offensive
I’ve come to make an announcement. Many of you may have noticed I’ve been gone for awhile. This was originally due to lack of ideas. Things have changed. I recently began taking AP classes. They take up like all my writing juice. Even when I do have juice, writing is the last thing I want to do. Thus it is with a heavy heart that I must announce my leave. This is not the end. If nothing else stone ocean will take my JoJo boner to new levels. That will be a genesis for my work. It might be sooner than that. I am truly sorry to anyone who has awaited my return. Think of it this way though. You’ve seen season one. The manga still has stuff to adapt. You know season two will happen. You’ve gotta have faith. For it is through faith alone that salvation can be obtained. I’m not saying I’m the crackhead messiah or some shit like that, I just like floral language. Maybe if I ever get a work ethic, I’ll be able to juggle both of my passions: doing what I love (trying to make people’s lives better) and not dying on the street because I didn’t try hard in my education. Side note: if you’ve not watched the sonic adventure two real-time fan dub, do it. It’s hella entertaining. I would give a closing but that seems sad. Don’t think of this as arrivederci think of it simply as ciao for now.