Music Is Poetry With Personality! - Ross Lynch

I'm just another awkward teenager. I like to watch tv, read, write, listen to music and do whatever fun things I can think of.

P.S. If any of you like Girl Meets World, I have another account that you might like. I read and write Girl Meets World fanfictions on there. The username is @IdkIfJoshayaOrLucaya

Find me on Wishbone @didrosscallthedr. For some fun polls
#R5Family is my fandom and I'm proud of it!
#R5Family #R5 #R5Rocks #R5FamilyRocks

Any of you fellow #R5Family who get my username, I love you :)
  • In my imagination
  • Дата регистрацииSeptember 27, 2014

Последнее сообщение
DidRossCallTheDoctor DidRossCallTheDoctor Dec 14, 2016 06:37AM
Listening to Smile and getting all the feels ughhh 
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