
Olá Jatahy! Tudo jóia?
          Passando para agradecer por "SEGUIR" meu perfil, e lhe informar que ganhou seu mais novo "SEGUIDOR": EU! rsrs


Que bom que gostou amigo. Vlwzão por ceder seu tempo para ler, votar e comentar!


@ WanMoura   obrigado digo eu. Adorei seu conto "Atalho". Boa visão diferente dá história. 


Hi   need your help I'm just letting you know that my book the Anorexic And The Badboy has been nominated for the WHS January story of the month contest. But I need my followers help if I want a chance to win this. 
          If you like my book and/ or wish to support me I would love it  and would be grateful if you could find the WHS book which can be found under my favourite books list and under the romance section find my book and write a +1 in the inline comments . Thanks so much for your support xx