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Okay, I'mma be Honest, I don't think I can't Write stuff on here Right now, I wanna go back to my Main Account and write books on there, Because on there I can write books about Whatever the Fuck I want, I can write a Shrek X Reader on there if I wanted, but on here, It's Disney, and only Disney(Including the things Bought by Disney too, I Geuss, idk), and I just really want to get back to writing my Barb X Reader because I came up with some now Ideas and Plotlines for that. (I also just really want to get to writing my Comfort Fic, but that's not Important rn) So, akcjsnnc, Yeah, I'll be on my Main Account by Tomorrow I think, might even Upload a new Chapter for my Barb X Reader tomorrow as well because Why not? I'll come back to this Account One Day to write some things, or this could just be Forgotten by me because my Memory is shit, idk.