Come follow me at bamboozled-rainbow-cheesecake! I need love!
Also, I have a question.
It's seriously bamboozling me right now. I don't understand it, and I don't like not understanding things.
I've seen this on several fanfictions on Archive Of Our Own (I don't have an account there, I just read anonymously).
If anyone can explain to me
what the FRESH HELL "Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics" is
(INCLUDING all the little details and science, or at least a bit of logic, of how the thing even works in the FIRST PLACE, and when I say the thing, I mean the THING, ALL of it, every single tiny detail you know about it please),
you will have earned my loyalty and love forever, whatever that's worth.
Also, I shall present you with a gift of penguins. They will be gloriously adorable hand-drawn penguins, and you will be the best of friends.