
Hello hello everyone! How are you all doing? I was thinking of writing a new chapter for the LWG. Please reply if you'd like a new chapter and I'll get it done by next weekend. Have an amazing day or night and don't forget to work on your lovely stories! 


Hello hello everyone! How are you all doing? I was thinking of writing a new chapter for the LWG. Please reply if you'd like a new chapter and I'll get it done by next weekend. Have an amazing day or night and don't forget to work on your lovely stories! 


I'm so happy. I've been writing my book a ton lately and haven't struggled with writer's block in so long! I've reached the middle and I'm really hoping to finish this book, so I can't make any promises for new chapters of the LWG. I know this is sad news for you but I can promise that I will not fail you and will publish something short so it doesn't die. One more thing: I've been wondering if I should make an Instagram account to widen an audience for my book. What do u think? Is it worth it? 


Psst guess what!! I deleted the last chapter of the LWG because I wasn't a fan so I'm working on a new one which will hopefully be finished by Friday. I thought it would be best to update on the weekend assuming most of you are a little more free on those days. Also new theme on the way but first I have to find one. Goodnight peeps <3


@DivineElf <3 keep doing what you're doing!


@eternal_solace ofc! I quite enjoy it and thanks for the appreciation. <3


@DivineElf Ah, thank you for the update! And thank you for checking the LWG over, I appreciate the effort you put into doing this for us!


I was transfering my story to a new document to try and clean it up a bit but I must have forgotten to save it before shutting down my laptop!!!! AHHH now I have to write it all overrrrrr. It's really not a big deal because it was only one chapter but it's still quite annoying and I'm wondering if maybe I should just write one of my other stories.


Hey I know it's been a while but I have 2 new names that you can use. Morgan or Connor...


            Yes, thank you so much! And okay!


@Th3H0useOfB00ks oh! So I can call you by whatever I like of the two or did you want help choosing? Maybe I'll change them up a bit if I do end up using them in my book 


            Uh no no I'm changing my name on here there are the names I am going by but sure you can use them for your book!


I made a straightforward plan for my story but my characters were not participating in the slightest therefore messing everything up. Yesterday I sat down to fill in my most concerned plot holes and build on the theme so now my characters will be able to do what they want without messing up my plans. I love it when I can find control over the book I'm writing although something tells me it's not going to last long. It never does.


@DivineElf if you struggle with writing regularly, I'd recommend doing a small part of your writing everyday (maybe a 100 or so words) and build up on that. Habits are key. I'm sure you'll get through this - it's experiences like these that make us better writers.