
RETROGRADE CH 18 (Part 1) is out now!!
          	After how long I've made you wait, it would only be fair if none of you read this for fives months!!  (Also, seriously - it didn't feel like I've been gone for 5 mths...it felt "blind and you'll miss it" fast.  Where is the time going!?)


RETROGRADE CH 18 (Part 1) is out now!!
          After how long I've made you wait, it would only be fair if none of you read this for fives months!!  (Also, seriously - it didn't feel like I've been gone for 5 mths...it felt "blind and you'll miss it" fast.  Where is the time going!?)


          10,000 apologies aren't enough for the time between chapters.  The last 4 mths have been hard and left little time for writing.  There were moments when I didn't think I'd finish this story, BUT, I'm back!
          Lotsa ❤️
           #Edser #RetrogradeEdserAU


I am so glad your back. It would be such a shame not to finish the story as it has been a great read all along the way. I cant wait for the end so i can binge read from start to end. 


@Dizigirl1 OMG no puedo esperar a leer el nuevo capítulo, gracias por tu vuelta que alegría! ❤️


Você vai postar ? Preciso do tradutor ☺️


          Hi friends,
          Happy New Year (I can still say that right!? Right!?)
          Just wanted to thank you all for your messages and comments. 
          I know it’s been an OFFENSIVELY long time in between updates. Work, life, Christmas, and family time have all got in the way of writing.  Motivation has taken a bit of a hit and I haven’t felt like I would do our #Retrograde faves justice had I forced it. 
          Please rest assured, I WILL finish Retrograde. We’ve been on this journey together for 2 years now and my soul needs to finish writing it as much as you need to read it. 
          If I could ask for a little help, though. Would love to hear your fave #Retrograde moments. We’ve had 260k words over 18 chapters over 25 years of “character” life span. 
          What moment made you swoon? Laugh? Cry?  
          When were you most angry at your fave?
          What did you wish could have happened?
          Sending love, hugs, and all the best wishes to you all for a happy, healthy and prosperous 2024!  


@Dizigirl1 so hard to choose one moment when you love a story as much as I love Retrograde. I’m a huge fan of unspoken words, so I loved when he found  her necklace in her bathroom drawer and clasped it back to her neck without saying anything or demanding any explanations from her. He just said he understood it. Simple, yet, so powerful and full of meaning. Back when she was in Paris, I loved when he saw her through the window of her apartment while she had dreamt of them happy, together and expecting their child (I truly believed she was pregnant when they broke up). I love them so much. And I love you. Happy 2024 Ames!


Ames is have looked how Serkan has done everything to protect Eda, How Eda gave everything to save Serkans life, how she still lets her love of him come through although she is so angry and hurt by him and also her dad. I was so sad when you read about Serkan and the effect of what he had to do and particularly he was outside her flat and watching from the street and when he also lost her ring as it was his anchor to her all the way through. I cried when Engin died and laugh how Sonny has become Mr  Softie  throughout. There are so many moments as this is such a great story. It is one that when it is finished that I can get to reread from start to end again. I look forward so much to our next instalment or even  closure of the story.  Take care and i am sure it will come. 


The way she saved him even when she was angry. 
            The way he loved her for years. 


Hi! Will you be continuing Retrograde?


@DauphinOfCreation thank you so much! I fully understand! Adulting sucks lol
            Hope things ease up at work for you✨


Hey @DauphinOfCreation!!  I will definitely be continuing the story.  Just bogged down with work at the moment but excited to get back to it soon!