
Shelly's Revenge is complete! 
          	Forced to watch in horror as her husband was brutally killed by vicious creatures of the forest, Shelly will exact her revenge on the podlings, and nothing will stand in her way.
          	This is the second in a series of short stories highlighting some of the lesser known NPC's of the World of Warcraft Universe - your garrison followers! 
          	Read, enjoy, and please feel free to comment! Thanks!


Shelly's Revenge is complete! 
          Forced to watch in horror as her husband was brutally killed by vicious creatures of the forest, Shelly will exact her revenge on the podlings, and nothing will stand in her way.
          This is the second in a series of short stories highlighting some of the lesser known NPC's of the World of Warcraft Universe - your garrison followers! 
          Read, enjoy, and please feel free to comment! Thanks!


So as promised (for once) I've put up the first two chapters of a new short story set in the World of Warcraft universe. 
          Forced to watch in horror as her husband was brutally murdered by creatures of the forest, driven by his tormented spirit, Shelly Hamby will let no one and nothing stand in the way of exacting her revenge. 
          Read Shelly's Revenge, the second book in the The Follower Missions series - and please don't hesitate to let me know what you think and leave a comment. 


So I don't know about you, but it's been a long hot summer here in Texas. One of relaxing, playing games, working, and reading. Sadly, not one of too much writing! But summer is drawing to a close, and it's time to put those dog days behind us and get back to it!
          Tomorrow I'll put up part one of a new short story I'm working on - Shelly's Revenge. It's the second book in my series The Follower Missions. It's a World of Warcraft short story, and tells the tale of Shelly Hamby - a woman who's husband was murdered by creatures of the wood, and her thirst for revenge on the creatures that took everything from her. 
          I hope you'll find time in your reading list to check it out, and let me know what you think! And as always, happy writing (and reading!) to you guys.


Good morning wattties! So I took the rest of the week off after the #OnceUponNow contest, but this morning it's time to get back to it.  Though my story didn't win (or even get close, lol), I received far more views and likes than I expected it to, and that was entirely due to the support of so many great folks here at Wattpad showing support for their fellow writers. It's a fantastic community here. 
          Now though, it's time to start a new story. I struggle with that age-old dilemma that every author does - both accomplished and initiate - and that is - what to write now?  I'm thinking perhaps another short story - perhaps the next chapter in my WoW fan fic. But I'm also thinking maybe another original story as well. Or even a novella. Hmm.. guess we'll see. 
          Anyway hop youre Monday is going fantastic, and let's get back to writing, and reading!


Goodness I've seen some excellent reads so far! Hope you're both finding good stuff to read, and people are finding their way to your own stories! It's the last day of voting for the #OnceUponNow contest, and I just want to say, it's been a blast, and thanks tons for all of your support.  
          My own story, The Game Sprite, has received some new views and votes, thanks to some of the wonderful people sharing and encouraging folks to check out the authors.  
          And of course, if you haven't yet, I invite you to take a look, and perhaps cast a vote if you enjoy the read. 
          Good luck to everyone, and thanks again for voting! 
          The Game Sprite


One ore day! Want to say thanks for those of you that have taken the time to stop by and read The Game Sprite! And if you haven't had opportunity yet, I hope you get a chance to. Even if you don't vote, I'm always interested in hearing peoples thoughts and comments. 
          This next week it's time to start thinking about a new story. I have another World of Warcraft story in mind, though I've had some requests to follow up with The Game Sprite with another chapter or two. If you have any thoughts, please don't hesitate to pass them along. 


Heya folks! It's day 5 of the voting for the OnceUponNow story.  So many fantastic stories! If you haven't voted yet, stop by and go for it! And the weekend is a great time to catch up on some reading - so check out The Game Sprite, and if you enjoyed, cast a vote! Every bit of support counts, and is hugely appreciated.
          Thanks, and have a great weekend! 
          The Game Sprite, by Dusty Monk


Do you like gaming? Do you like faeries? Ever wondered what would happen if one of the creatures you were fighting in a game suddenly turned to you and begged you to stop? And you learned that some things you thought were myth turned out to be true - but not the way you thought? 
          It's day three of the OnceUponNow contest, and if the premise above sounds interesting, then please check out my short story submission, and vote on Chapter 1 of the story. So many fantastic stories out there, so every bit of support is appreciated.
          Thanks, and enjoy! 
          The Game Sprite, by Dusty Monk