I'm a 13(do I really have to change this?) year old who has nothing to do with her life.
I do stuff for fun and sometimes for no reason.
I get bored a lot and as a result, I get hyper and random.
I like screaming random stuff that pop in my head.
If I get bored and someone reminds me of something I like, I tell the next person who talks to me everything I know about it.
I live in Narnia, go to school at Hogwarts and spend my summer at Camp Half-Blood to train for the Hunger Games.
I'm supportive to people I love and idolize.
I like insulting people (jokingly most of the times) and I don't hate on people.
I am lucky to have my friends around even though they sometimes make me feel left out.
I love playing the PIANO and I suck at playing the guitar.
I just realized that all of the statements I placed here start with the letter 'I'.
I'm a very observant person.
I have a gazillion dreams that I know might never come true.
I will always and forever love Logan Lerman.
I don't have celebrity crushes because I know that I would never end up with any of them. I know that when you have a crush on someone it simply means you adore them but I just don't think of it that way.
I sometimes say mean words that I don't mean.
I like people who have nice accents.
I make mistakes and I'm not near the word perfect.
I am proud to be who I am even though I sometimes wish I was a different person.
I idolize a lot of people, so sometimes when I'm asked I forget to mention some of them.
I am afraid of growing up and I sometimes wish that I could be 13 forever. When people sometimes ask my age, I say that I'm 12 (to people who know I'm 13 and I don't say I'm 12 just because I'm being sarcastic).
I'm a kid at heart.
I think love is LAME.
I MIGHT have mild dislexia. (I don't say that just because demigods are dislexic)
I am very spontaneous.
I am WEIRD. (well who isn't?)

  • JoinedDecember 21, 2011

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