
Hello, Dreams here with an update.
          	So I've been away for a while.
          	*Looks at the last update being 1 year and 9 months ago*
          	Yeah, a while... So I'll try to be open right now. I really look forward to writing, it's honestly one of the things I think about the most. Truly, every day I always think of possible stories I could make, had made, and simply left on hiatus. There were days I would write drafts of stories that were never published, some I felt like they weren't good enough of a premise or simply needed to be improved on overall. I ultimately decided before I start doing more stories, I'd like to update a nice bulk of my existing stories. It's a nice idea since I've seen a good number of people on this website who write many stories, often unable to update most of them for reasons. Which I find a shame, since some of those stories I enjoy reading don't get updated, sometimes it being a lack of passion, but I'm not one to hate for such a reason. Sometimes these things happen, other times people simply push themselves beyond what they can feasibly do and churn story after story, chapter after chapter, feeling burned out and discouraged. (1/3)


Hello, Dreams here with an update.
          So I've been away for a while.
          *Looks at the last update being 1 year and 9 months ago*
          Yeah, a while... So I'll try to be open right now. I really look forward to writing, it's honestly one of the things I think about the most. Truly, every day I always think of possible stories I could make, had made, and simply left on hiatus. There were days I would write drafts of stories that were never published, some I felt like they weren't good enough of a premise or simply needed to be improved on overall. I ultimately decided before I start doing more stories, I'd like to update a nice bulk of my existing stories. It's a nice idea since I've seen a good number of people on this website who write many stories, often unable to update most of them for reasons. Which I find a shame, since some of those stories I enjoy reading don't get updated, sometimes it being a lack of passion, but I'm not one to hate for such a reason. Sometimes these things happen, other times people simply push themselves beyond what they can feasibly do and churn story after story, chapter after chapter, feeling burned out and discouraged. (1/3)


Hence this announcement which I write with utmost sincerity. I feel disappointed and frustrated with myself. While every now and then I would write some tidbits here and there, making minute progress, and if you know me and my writing, on some of my stories, I churn out chapters going past 5,000+ words—sometimes 14,000+ words! Something I pride myself in, frankly. I want to push myself to not only write long chapters, but entertaining chapters that can take you minutes, half an hour, or more to read, just to make you unwind, kick back, relax, and just tune out the world and the stressful, bothersome things. And if it makes you want to reread the entire story? I feel touched and glad that I could write a story that can make you feel that way. Wattpad exists for that reason, it has to and for me, that's what it's for. The world can be tough for everyone, not everyone is in the best of circumstances and sometimes we feel like running away. That's why stories exist, a form of escapism, to get away from all the stress, and, maybe, learn a lesson here and there. I never see myself doing big things, I'm not some influencer or rich philanthropist. I have my limitations. Even so, I feel like this is something I can do. This—writing—is more than just killing time, it's a passion. A passion I believe, I hope, can make whoever is out there, even for the briefest of moments, enjoy life. And isn't that something we all strive for? Something that brings, not only us but others joy? A way for all of us to connect? To find common ground in this world with entertainment? Where differences don't matter, problems can just be at the back of our minds, and we can just focus on one singular thing that gives us joy. (2/3)


But I came to a grinding halt. Responsibilities and situations I suddenly find myself with had utterly wrecked my writing schedule. Caring for family, my sleeping schedule, and the like just takes the energy out of me. To put it simply, I'm burnt out. Not having no more passion to write or giving up on Wattpad, but simply burned out. I had to turn off Wattpad notifications and other things like games to focus on these things. So when I finally had the modicum of free time to relax and catch up, I see when my last update was. However few of you who read my stories, who care enough to ask me questions about updates or my return, well-being, and such, I feel awful. I feel like I failed you and myself. Even now, as I write this three hours past midnight, unable to sleep, I am weighed down by my own expectations and unable to let these thoughts stick any further, I make my case that I simply can't write. And I am sorry.
          I wish I could say that I'm back and ready to churn out some chapters—even though my New Year's resolution is to publish at least 8 chapters—I'm sorry to say that is not the case as of now. Truth is, I still won't be publishing anything for a while. I'm only human, like the rest of you and despite the unrealistic expectations I place on myself regarding my circumstances, I feel terrible. Once again, I apologize for making you wait for so long for an update only to get this, but I felt it wasn't right to go so long without some explanation—something I had, embarrassingly, done in the past before. While it was not something you or I hoped for, I still need time to myself, to handle my responsibilities, and care about my health, before I can go back to publishing chapters.
          Again, I apologize and hope you all have a great day/night. (3/3)


Dear Dr. Dremuur
           I sincerely hope you get good, enjoyable, well rested break. -Messaged by a fan of your work
          PS. I wish for you to look at my current profile please. 
          PPS. I don't want to make a too heartfelt message so I just gave you a simple but honest one.


@KalphaDraige Very much appreciated. I hope things are great on your end too!


Is now okay


@mrpopostable ok just happy it's still going on


@mrpopostable I'm working on it when I have the time. Can't make promises on releases, otherwise I'd probably overwork myself. But it'll come soon enough.


U still need time for re miner


@mrpopostable k have good day at the time i was just wondering 


@mrpopostable I'm slowly getting back into writing, but other things on my plate, such as being my little brother's advisor for virtual school.
            Other than that, the time for upload may be sometime this weekend, optimistically speaking.