"I'm a bisexual bitch and I ain't got nothin to hide!" -Domo Wilson, "Bisexual Anthem"

Call me Scarlet on here.

Who am I?

Just someone who is looking for crazy stories to match my craziness
  • انضمJune 23, 2024

الرسالة الأخيرة
Draco_Malfoy404 Draco_Malfoy404 Nov 19, 2024 02:37AM
Hey everyone! SO, for those who don't know me very well yet, here's some info about me!Call me Scarlet on here, and everywhere else you see me. I go by she/her but I can go by any other pronouns if...
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصة بقلم Scarlet
Two Betrayals, Two Rivalries, Two Siblings; A Bungo Stray Dogs Story (AU) بقلم Draco_Malfoy404
Two Betrayals, Two Rivalries, Two...
How did two siblings go from being thick as thieves to enemy number one? Why did Chuuya have to fucking betra...
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