Draconicknight's I have read your book about whT to say to a pagan. I am a Christian and I agree with most about what you said. I can confess that i do not go to churh becouse they are hypocrites. They only read the bible the way they want to and not the way it is ment be read. I believe that everyone has the right to believe in what they want to believe. I also think that most Christian's dont follow the bible how you are ment to. I am intrigued at other believes. Some are beautiful and some are gruesome. The bible says judge others as you want to be judged. Do onto others as you want to be done onto youreself. Forgive as you want to be forgiven. Love thy neighbor. People change the wordings or inly uses frases that suits them and that is wrong. And the bible also says that we should not fight or twist with other over believes. So these "CHRISTIANS" are so wrong . I believe that God made us to live in peace and also to look after our earth. Pagan believes is not wrong its beautifull. Becouse you love the earth. I wish that all these false Christians can get a live or new believe. And also the bible talks about a ever burning fire not hell. Thanks for you're writing its fabulous. I would like to read a decent book about paganism. Aspecialy the origin and how youre journey was so far with paganism. Lots of hugs