We are three friends who decided to create a collab account. Our names are Lucia, Tiffany, and Emily.
Updates on Fridays
The internet basically takes over my life. I obsess over boys I will probably never meet. I like to eat...A LOT. I breath for the Janoskians and 5 seconds or summer. Well, that's all. Ta ta!
Updates on Sunday :3
I'm often called bubbly, sarcastic, sassy and strong willed. I love converse and food with a passion. My two favorite words are cunt and peasant. My favorite movie is Perks Of Being A Wallflower, my favorite band 5sos or BFS. My favorite book easily The Grimm Legacy. That is a bit of me. Adios <3
Updates on Wednesday ;)
Often air headish at times. Love 1D, 5SOS, the Janoskians and food. Interests are art, music and writing. I speak some french. So on that note... Au revoir! <3
- InscritDecember 23, 2013
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