
I'm removing all my stories off this website because I'm hardly on here twice a year. If you are interested in reading my fics still then check out my ao3 
          	my ao3 name is the same there as here: Dragonborn_EldenLord


If anyone has any ideas they'd like for me to add to my stories id appreciate the inspiration lol. I really want to write but I'm hitting writers block. Like half my stories I have an ending in mind but no middle. Other stories I have absolutely no idea how it's gonna end or what's gonna happen next. I'm running into a road block, or a wall of writer's blocks, and the bricks are heavy and I'm tired. 


October now! 
          Hope everyone has a splendid Halloween/Samhain/Day of the Dead/31st of October/1st of November!
          Random thing: 
          a stray cat showed up outside my place and it looks just like my cat I have in my house. Freaked me out at first because I thought Ghost got out somehow. but no, it's a different cat! And no, they ain't related because Ghost is a cat I found almost three years ago and was about a five-hour drive from where I live now. 
          the stray has become trusting of me after a week or so of talking to it and just hanging out outside near it. Gave it food today and it rolled over and let me pet its tummy (briefly). I'm not sure if it's a girl or a boy but I plan to catch it and take it to the vet and get it a rabies shot and try to see if it'll get along with Ghostus. Probably gonna name the stray October (Toby for short) regardless of its sex. 
          My cat Ghost's full name is Ghostus Specter. Toby's full name will be October Lokes.
          Ghost's name was originally just Ghost. but my mom got mad at him one day within the first few months of him living with her (temporary arrangement) and she called him Ghostus lmao. So now he has a full name. 
          Ghost and Toby are both gray but Ghost's fur is softer looking I suppose is a way to describe it. Ghost has green eyes and Toby has yellow, but not bright yellow, more like yellow gold coin, eyes.
          Anyhow! I'm going to update some stories soon! 
          This announcement is about as crazy as my train of thought, no apologize at all. Ya'll know by now that I'm crazy. 


Updating is kickin' my arse. Got nearly fifty stories on here and nearly 300 more in my drafts. Y'all, I got so many stories and ideas but like getting the motivation to focus on just one story at a time is just not in me. I'm always jumping between at least six or more fics at a time trying to write new chapters so I do very slow progress with occasional rapid updates. I'm tempted to just post all the stories from my drafts that only have like one chapter lmao but that's just so much chaos. I have a fuckin notebook to keep track of all my fanfics, organized by Fandom. And my Google drive has my fics organized by Fandom and then ship. A lot of my fics have definite beginnings and ending but like I don't know what to put into the middle. Writing be hard sometimes.
          Peace, love, pie, and gay pride,


Incase y'all ain't noticed, I updated Zakaria/Daryl Dixon and my priest and a pagan fic (Gabriel stokes/Cassius ). 
          I edited a smidgen the previously posted chapters before posting a new chapter for each of the two stories. Hope y'all like'm. Wrote them while working a late shift lol.  


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Gonna update Restoration of Joy soon! 
          If you haven't checked out that story yet I'll give y'all the summary for it:
          Smalls, as the Dixons affectionately called the kid, wasn't a boy. But it's not like she even said much to them so how would they know?
          Aside from occasional remarks, small comments, and swears, they didn't know shit about the kid. Just that 'ma left with'r boyfrien' 'fore da biters show up, an I ran from pa'. And that the three year old Smalls carried was their sister Sera. That was it. Kid wouldn't even tell them their name, only their sister's. Hence, they earned the name Smalls because Merle didn't want to just call them boy or kid.
          Rick/Daryl and Carol/Merle will mostly be background stuff because this story will mostly be focused on Smalls POV. I do plan to have a few scenes in the adults POV without the kids around but that won't be the main storyline.


Dragon dude. Hi.
          My thing is, WHY HAVEN'T YOU UPDATED 'THE TEDDY'? That book had me on a hook and, I wanna know why the entire family dies (I just started reading) and no intro? 
          PLZ UPDATE


@Raspberry_Sloth lol it wasn't really something I planned on doing anything with- I originally wrote a version of it in like fifth or sixth grade for a writing assignment (minimum of 500 words and they gave us random words to include in the story and one of mine was bear). So it's basically supposed to be a uh, one-shot? I can see if I can come up with something to add to it though lol. 
            Any other stories caught your eye?