
The King and The Apostle has been reposted here. I'm not going to fix it up if there is anything I missed. Just keep it as is. now to focus on other fics to republish here.


Hey there,
          I just wanted to mention that I left a fairly long comment on your Lovecraft story. I enjoyed it and think you should continue in your pursuit of horror writing. I am new to this app and pretty unfamiliar with how it all works, so I only found this conversation comment thread after I already posted some thoughts while reading the story itself.
          Take it easy, and best of luck to you.


My Birthday is Tomorrow and I'll be 20 years old and in college! As a gift from you guys, I would like for you to check out my second account and comment a happy birthday of one of my stories. Only if you want to! Have a nice day!


Happy Birthday to you. For today or tomorrow.