My name's Angelica Marie Ruña and I'm a 15 year old student who loves to read Romance, Fiction, Mystery, and Fantasy books.

I'm also an amateur writer who gets her stories based on her dreams and bases her characters on real people.

I don't upload much on Wattpad because I hate typing and would rather write my stories by hand. but I'm working on it.

I like Adventure Time and am addicted to strawberry-creme flavored lollipops. I love saying random things at random moments.

I am in love with Sleeping With Sirens, painting and sketching (basically anything that has to do with art), and I hate mundanes. (lol)
  • انضمJuly 25, 2012

الرسالة الأخيرة
DreamOfTheDay DreamOfTheDay Aug 01, 2012 12:49PM
@HVTSITSLEFT We're taking English Literature this year, so maybe we'll have lots of projects which involves writing our own stories with different genres... :|
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصة بقلم Angelica Marie R. Ruña
Life With Boys بقلم DreamOfTheDay
Life With Boys
Dear Diary, I'm Ridley Grigori. The badass 'It Girl' of Oakridge Institute. Let me explain why someone like m...
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