Sooooo yes I changed the name of the broken to craved I've been doing some major editing and I just think it's better that it goes with the theme of the series I also changed the covers I want them to coincide with each other so I hope you guys like it
Sooooo yes I changed the name of the broken to craved I've been doing some major editing and I just think it's better that it goes with the theme of the series I also changed the covers I want them to coincide with each other so I hope you guys like it
sorry to everyone who follows me and i keep re-publishing old chapters its because I'm re- writing them I'm not changing major events or anything just fixing errors and stuff or adding on to some things to explain stuff better. also I plan to get to the broken soon so I'll be posting some new chapters soon thanks for everything
hey everyone I know i have not been writing in a very long time but I'm starting to get back to work I have been re-writing crave you so once I get through that I will finish the broken I'm so sorry for the wait and I thank everyone who took the time to read one of my books even if it was one page and I know I've probably said this before but I want to get more involved so if you ever leave me a comment or message I will surly write back thanks again and happy new year
I encourage everyone to share their comments with me whether it's nothing I need to working or needs working on or if it's something positive but what I don't need are rude comments created to be vindictive I kindly ask that those who have done this to stop and save your negativity for another author and stop reading my story's if they disturb you in any way thank you and thank the rest of the wattpad community that has been kind to me
hey readers I finally posted 2chapters for the next book in the crave serious I'm so sorry for the delay and I appreciate all those who read it and my other storys the book is called the broken if your confused
these books are good girl I love it u got talent and I think u should try getting this published ur an amazing writer you've got a gift and it deserves to be see @poetic_princess