


@richugamer1 srry, i just got back. I had so many planned, but im not sure if I'll ever get them written out or published


@DrifterDan are you gonna make another book?


Are you gonna publish a new story on Wattpad?


@legendknight72 ohh what a question. The last time I published something was the ending to Trouble In France nearly 5 years ago.
            Im active, always looking around and revisiting, actually something in the works but I'm stuck because i got into college. I'm still trying to find that small ounce of motivation to write again.


          It's been two years.  If I must be honest,  I'll say that while this series definitely had much more planned for itself, I'm happy to have read it all and ended it with Trouble In France, which felt conclusive enough for this wonderful universe to feel complete for what it was worth.  I reread the INTERPOL series about once every few months, and I love it more and more with each passing read.  Here's to the only guy who ever  made a massive effort to contribute to what the G Stilton fanbase could've been- @DrifterDan.  We love you, buddy, and we've loved your work every step of the way.
          Your old friend, @the_crossover_master
          Signing off.


@the_crossover_master I'm still glad someone had remembered of me. And I'm sorry that I have forgotten about all of you.
            As of now, my hiatus is still ongoing. University life has taken a huge toll on my creativity, my motivation, and also my passion to write. I can't say that I've completed abandoned it, because I've been writing so little of the sequel series - sometimes, in one long session at a time before leaving it for weeks, even months on end. If it actually comes to... complete abandonment, either to chase another passion or to work on an original series, I might consider to pass this series on to someone I can trust to bring it forward, either with some of my own ideas or completely their own.
            I'm currently in my final semester before either choosing to work or opt for a part-time degree program. Maybe by that time I will have a bit of room to get my motivation back.
            Thank you for your kind words, they give me strength to rise up from my knees. I cannot promise anything, but maybe one of these days I'll get back on my keyboard and let my fingers move to the flow of my ideas.
            For now, I'll try to think about it more as a distraction from university stress, maybe even try to write as a form of therapy.
            Again, I'd like to apologize to you. All of you. I feel like I have abandoned you all with this unannounced hiatus. Forgive me.


Hey, DrifterDan. Cool Interpol concept you've got going with this thing! I've been searching for books with good concepts and good grammar usage for AGES, and you've made my day last night when I was on my hunt. The Interpol series is quite fascinating, and I like it! So anyway, I was thinking of doing something in the next next chapter of my book "Ask And Dare the E. Thea Sisters!", and it involved my Thea Sisters, the Elemental Thea Sisters, meeting up with alternate versions of themselves. Aside from the original Thea Sisters and the Crossover Sisters (another AU I made), I was looking to show the AUs of other creators, and you are definitely the one to pass my AU standards! The meeting isn't "canon" to your books (it is, but at the same time, it isn't. You'll find out later), so you don't have anything to worry about them being confused the heck out of their minds in the events following the meet. So what do you think? Sounds cool? I'll acknowledge you in the chapter so you and the readers will know. What do you say?


@DrifterDan dude i just wanna tell you this. i maybe not he good at advice but it works for me though. Everytime theres class i always think of a plot for my stories. recess time still writing.Lunch,Recess again, Night again still working gor the plot non-Stop. theres always that time when you write something.


@richugamer1 i do but ive been kinda inactive there for a while


@DrifterDan hey dude do you have a twitter? if it can i have a link?




@richugamer1 srry, i just got back. I had so many planned, but im not sure if I'll ever get them written out or published


@DrifterDan are you gonna make another book?


Hello again guys... so let me just cut to the chase. I've been meaning to tell you guys something but I hid it from all of you
          About a week ago, I had this dream that I finished Trouble In France. But it didn't make me feel quite happy. Because in that dream... I actually considered quitting the Geronimo Stilton: Interpol series.
          Guys... please send me some help. I don't want this series to die, there's so much I had in mind to write in this series. So be it I'm 4 years late into the timeline. I don't want to think for one second that I'll ever quit the series unless of dire circumstances.
          It's way past  my bedtime. Goodnight to all.


@DrifterDan btw how did you make this fanfiction anyway? the story plotlines are you cool! was this fanfic of yours inspired from star wars?


@DrifterDan its ok im just waiting patiently and still working from my firsy story from the thea sisters


@richugamer1 hi dude, im sorry for not writing anything in a while. The past two semesters really made me take a beating, and it was that demanding that it made me take a long break from writing entirely. I'm not sure if I'll be able to write one set in China, not currently at least, I'd have to find a suitable plot and do a lot of research. I hope to get back to writing one of these days, but right now college life is keeping me from it. I hope you and all my other readers could understand my situation.


It's midway through November.... Fokk me.
          I'm pushin out a new chapter as fast as I can, though I might not have an estimate. 
          And thank you @kailynnnnnnn for the follow, I really do appreciate it. 
          Maybe if you guys could DM me an inspirational word or two... See if it gets me goin on track.


@the_crossover_master Hey man, thanks. I needed that.


@DrifterDan (insert random inspirational quote here- most likely everybody's favorite outdated line by Shia Labouf)  I'm proud to say that I've enjoyed every bit of your series since the beginning.  No pun intended.  You legitimately took characters I cherished and loved since childhood and turned  them into a bunch of badass action heroes that I can enjoy even more.  I've seen my waifu kick ass with a sniper rifle for Gods sakes.  I cannot describe in proper and formal words how amazing your writing has been and still is today.  Take your time with the new chapter, and if it's possible, I hope this series continues to the points of which you've planned.