
this message may be offensive
 Okay, so....you might not have noticed, but...I've been gone.
          	My work has been absolute shit for the past two months, and I sort of fell into a depressive state for a while because of my own failures. But I'm okay now. I'm really tired, but I'm now ready to face all of my work and stuff. Not to mention I'm speaking French again, which is a bonus! C'est une vie difficile, mais je suis déterminé à faire mon mieux.
          	So yeah, I'm sorry that I've been inactive. Fair warning: I will probably continue to be in the future. But i just wanted to say "hi" to all of you folks out there. Hope you're all doing well, wherever you are in life. Stay strong, my friend. This will get better, I promise. :)


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 Okay, so....you might not have noticed, but...I've been gone.
          My work has been absolute shit for the past two months, and I sort of fell into a depressive state for a while because of my own failures. But I'm okay now. I'm really tired, but I'm now ready to face all of my work and stuff. Not to mention I'm speaking French again, which is a bonus! C'est une vie difficile, mais je suis déterminé à faire mon mieux.
          So yeah, I'm sorry that I've been inactive. Fair warning: I will probably continue to be in the future. But i just wanted to say "hi" to all of you folks out there. Hope you're all doing well, wherever you are in life. Stay strong, my friend. This will get better, I promise. :)


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I've been on hiatus for so long because I was on this absolutely abysmal fuckfest of a road trip. We should have known it was dumb when my dog was sprayed in the face by a skunk and couldn't come.
          Here's a summary:
          We went to a hotel. Lasts two nights. Great. Problem? Nothing works. Can't go out because you don't know where to go. There's a pool, but only for 1 hour, and you'll definitely get COVID from that. The elevator is pretty bad. My dad barfed in the toilet, which freaked us out (natch). The beds were suffocating. The ventilation and AC were so bad they hurt my throat. There's a free tea, but you can only drink it in your room because COVID. My dad fell on the ground, sliced his hand open on his car door, drove to the nearest hospital, then spent two hours waiting and another two hours in surgery getting three stitches and trapping the rest of us in the noosey-aired room. We go mini-putting, but it's waterlogged because of the nonstop rain, so we play 14 holes instead of 18. We drive outside of the town and get flash flooded on, complete with hurricane warnings (there's no hurricanes where I live, so it was weird). We go to a restaurant, and the food's fine. Then we stop at a town...nothing's open, so we head back to the hotel and sleep in the casket-y rooms.
          Finally, me and Dad go to get breakfast, even though I told him there's no McDonalds within the area. There is one, located in a building, which is closed, shocker. After getting breakfast from the one open hotel restaurant, we leave. It's sunny. But of course, we learn that there's a storm back at home. We stop at a town along the way, and I get a cool pin because I want the trip to amount to something. As we're almost home, we have to stop at a Starbucks for a piss. We drive home through continuous rain. And finally, just as I get home, I realize that somehow, MY PIN IS GONE!!! Not in the car, or the bags, or the seats, G O N E .
          In conclusion, FUCK MY LIFE.
          You'll see me around more often.


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I still can't believe that it's better two months since life went to shit.
          Today I heard people attempt to call this "the new normal". It's not.
          Not exercising is not normal. Not seeing anyone outside of your parents and/or siblings is not normal. Not being allowed entrance to the grocery store without a mask or a low-key panic attack is not normal. Not having any motivation to do anything is not normal. Not eating a balanced diet is not normal. Being threatened with antidepressants isn't normal, at least not for me. And not seeing the sun is definitely not normal. 
          And not being allowed to grow, to change, to keep evolving as a person, to live your life?
          That will never be normal.
          I hope that you guys are still trying to survive in this situation. I hope you all are doing well. Because I have hope that we'll all get back to normal soon. 


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Brain: You have work first thing in the morning, and you need to sleep. Go to bed, like a good little lethargic, slightly overweight musician.
          Sleepiness: *whispers* I implore you to go to bed...
          Weight: You're fat. You could be worse. You could also be better. Go to bed. Sleep is good for weight. No sleep makes fat.
          Eye bags: We are shriveled up and starving. Make us better, master.
          Heart: I'm hurting from lack of exercise and allergies. Go to bed. You need to breathe without knowing.
          Me, after 3 days of perfect sleep: ....Eh, fuck it. What have I got to lose? I slept until noon today.


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*ahem*.....I'm baaaaack!
          So here we are. A month or so into shit hitting the fan. Or maybe not so much hitting it as carving huge dent marks into it.
          Welcome to the life of a recluse!
          I'm sorry I was silent for maybe two of three weeks. Things have been busy. I'm staying with my parents. My work has become nigh-unbearable. My world was and is falling apart. I looked like hell. I couldn't sleep for a while and I ate horribly. I was on a lazy ebb for a long while (longer than usual), and I got tested (I'm fine). 
          But I'm back now. Around the last week ago or so (approximately four or five days ago), I got my shit together. I rose out of the ebb. I'm working harder now, harder than usual, and managed to get enough sleep two nights ago after four-ish days of absolutely NOTHING. 
          I aten't dead.
          I've worked out. I'm far from skinny, and I still got a little (okay, a lot of) fat on me, but I take walks regularily, and yesterday I had the most intense workout I've had in years after breaking into what I've affectionately dubbed "The Caffeine Cupboard". I'm continuing to work hard at playing the guitar and piano. I've learned new songs, and even written a few of my own. I feel much better. Dare I say it, there's even hope for all of us. We're all going through the same shit.
          So yeah. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm still alive, that I'm hanging in there. I hope you guys are doing just fine inside. I honestly can't imagine the effect this might have on young people these days. It's a balls-buster, to say the least.
          Hate to be the person who says this shit again, but here it goes. "You youngens stay home, in your safe little houses, don't touch anyone, don't meet anyone, stay six feet away, wash your hands like there's sulfuric acid on them. Oh, and try not to go insane! Just try to not die. This is a message from your government."
          Will I write again? Will I be active? You bet.


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Happy Valentines Day to y'all!!!!
          Haha why do I even care? I'm not even in love and don't really care about that sort of thing, and besides, familial love and the love from friends are A MILLION TIMES BETTER.
          It was nice to get a Valentines Day Card from a family member, though.
          Anyways, I'll just go and eat chocolate and watch horror movies involving some sort of twisted romance now.
          Hope you all have a Happy-Day-of-Romance-Or-Some-Other-Shit!


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Clichés I hate #1:
          I hate the cliche where the protagonist doesn't know how to ice skate.
          It seems to be a popular thing in YA novels and sometimes anime. And when they do ice skate, they either learn WAY too quickly with the help of someone or continue to fuck up over and over and over again, even if they took lessons.
          Like c'mon guys. It's not that hard. The way I see it, ice skating comes in two flavours: you've either done it before and know at least the bare minumum basics, or you've never set foot on a rink in your life and you don't know how to do it. Even if you've only taken a few lessons as a kid, if you have an idea of the basics, then you can do it, regardless of your speed or skill level. If you know how to keep yourself from falling down and have a feeling of how to move, that's good enough. Personally, I was unsure as a kid, and even took speed skating lessons for a while, but in retrospect, I don't think I did anything wrong. I just did my best.


@DrilloxeAuthentica this is literally freaking true.