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HOLY SHIT!!! GODDAMN..I just realized that my  chapters are SUPER-long. Hmm... No wonder no one wanted to review this book but I guess one thing that I will try to implement  is to condense my chapters going into 2015... Why do I hear cheering??


Pesan ini mungkin menyinggung
HOLY SHIT!!! GODDAMN..I just realized that my  chapters are SUPER-long. Hmm... No wonder no one wanted to review this book but I guess one thing that I will try to implement  is to condense my chapters going into 2015... Why do I hear cheering??


After a couple month of indecisiveness, I'm finally going to continue with Numbers. I don't know why I took so long to decide whether to repackage it or not. I realized that certain part seems a bit 'clichy' or vague as they didn't help establish a particular scene or character but EH.. You make mistakes so you live and you learn.


The repackaging of Numb3rs have officially begun. I might create a new project altogether along with the slight change in the story to try capture new readers. Or.... I could just do a simple edit to the chapters that I've already posted and just advertise my book some more. I'll probably take the easy way out lol. Stay tuned for more.