
So I uh I’m reading Sounds Good, Feels Good with is a Corpse Husband x OC and I’m giggling and kicking my feet help


          	  It just got better and worse at the same time


I miss you so much I kinda shut down after you left and haven't talked to anyone I miss you so much I wanna cuddle you and feel your hands on my body I have trouble admitting it but I really genuenlly love you and I know you do to but when you touch me it feels like I'm in heaven because no one touches me nicely like you do and when you leave I can't sleep because I'm thinking of where your hands once were on my body you treat me like no one has before I love you you treat me like you accually love me which most people don't so it feels new to me I love the way you talk to me I love when you hug me and touch me and run your hands through my hair and kiss me and put your hand up my shirt I love you and it's true I've never needed anyone more than I need you I love you so much


heyyyy baby how are  umm i kinda did sumthin soooooo yeah i need mental help also sorry for kinda being a burden and dropping all this on you i really value you and i fell like im stressing you out alot by basically making you feel like you have to take care of me but if you dont want to take care of me thats ok i know im high matanence but im ok if you dont take care of me cause most people dont even take care of me so again im sorry for being a burden love you though


It’s completely fine hon! I love you so much it’s completely fine! Remember you have so many ppl that care abt you!