
When I started writing I was determined to write something new and original but even in fantasy, reality must have its say. WIth my Realms of night series, I wanted the protagonist, George, to face real danger but for it to be realistic and still publish-able within the right age range. This meant it had to be age-appropriate danger. As the series progresses and the kid-gloves come off, the danger increases, friends die and the threat to the waking world is felt. The plot he unwravells is dark, sinister and insideous but at all times, believable. I wish I could say more but the secret behind Endymion is an onion that has to be peeled slowly, layer by layer. I hope you have the opportunity to read more of it. Meanwhile. I'll keep a lookout for your story. All the best, G R-J


When I started writing I was determined to write something new and original but even in fantasy, reality must have its say. WIth my Realms of night series, I wanted the protagonist, George, to face real danger but for it to be realistic and still publish-able within the right age range. This meant it had to be age-appropriate danger. As the series progresses and the kid-gloves come off, the danger increases, friends die and the threat to the waking world is felt. The plot he unwravells is dark, sinister and insideous but at all times, believable. I wish I could say more but the secret behind Endymion is an onion that has to be peeled slowly, layer by layer. I hope you have the opportunity to read more of it. Meanwhile. I'll keep a lookout for your story. All the best, G R-J


I love Harry Potter :) I especially liked how it got darker as he got older. 
          I can't wait to see how your series turns out. I agree with what you said about writing not being complete until the work is read.
          I've finished three chapters of my story, so I think I'll put up the prologue and first two chapters. Should be interesting to see what people think of it!


          Great to hear from you again. I'd love it if you could get hold of a copy. The act of writing is not complete until the work is read. All writers love feedback and while no story is a guaranteed "good read" if you like supernatural adventure in a Harry Potter style setting "The realms of night, Rem's journal" has it all. My aim with it was to make fantasy more believable than real life and should the series ever reach its conclusion, readers migh be in for a shock by the end. Keep in touch, all the best, 
          G R-J


          Hi Lyn, Went out walking yesterday where the lanes had been snow-ploughed. The drifts are over three feet deep and the hills and mountains around the village look incredible. More snow has begun to fall today so I'll be out with a shovel again digging a path to the outside world ... if it';s still there!
          Great to hear ffrom you again :)


Hi Kirsty,
          Sorry, I've been a little busy here latley with the launch of my third book, "The Un-familiar Presence" it comes out on 28th March. Suddenly everything has gone white here. Snow has been falling for two days and a night and now it's lying 2 feet nearly a metre in places deep on the roads, gardens, roofs ... everywhere. Our villiage used to have 6 roads in and out now only three are open. The orthers are blocked by fallen trees, snow and car accidents. On the plus side it looks really great out there, when you finally dig your way out :)


I have written and self published three books to date but find it difficult to make them available to a larger audience. Folowers of the two series are far very enthusiastic about reading more so I have been thinking about serialising the fourth book here, on Wattpad.
          I wondered if anyone out there would be interested in reading it. I would love some feedback.
          If I had to describe "The Realms of Night" series, It might be best done by saying it combines the best elements from an unlikely range of inspirational books and films, creating an entirely new senario as a result. Think,- Harry Potter discovers Oz to find it is run by the Matrix then try to unwravel the mystery of whether we created the  characters in mythology or if they created us for their own ammusement. OK still with it? Now imagine discovering all this when you are only 12. You definitely cannot tell anyone about the dream world world you have discovered through lucid dreaming, even though events unfolding there might change the waking world we know forever. The story puts magic and mystery within the grasp of every reader by making it real ... but only if you can work out why it works.
          I'd love to hear from anyone interested in reading a YA series of this type and If you would, I'll make it available.