
Hi friends,
          	I have a question for the people who have read all of book one of "Orc's Consort". Did Jasper's choice to sleep with Paige ruin the rest of the story for you? My beta readers say that it ruined it and made it hard to finish lol. They also said it made Brenna and Jasper incompatible. Most of you seemed to like the story but their input made me wonder if I needed to tone down that chapter to a different plot twist. Don't worry about hurting my feelings I just want to see if it would be better to change it or leave it the way it is. (I am still working on Book II if I change this chapter and its  events it wouldn't affect the outcome at all.)


@EM-Albright Okay, now I don't feel crazy! I knew she got pregnant before.
          	  When will the next book be put up? I didn't feel it ruined anything, but I guess I could see how some people would.


@girlacous  Hi there, So I will be putting those back up very soon. I hope to publish a few chapters all at once since I kept you guys waiting for so long. This will most likely happen at the end of May to give me time to write new chapters. Thanks for being patient.


@chimparkss  Hey, thanks so much for your input. I appreciate it.


hey i luv ur book so much please do the second book


@EM-Albright That’s Great News! I can’t wait to read this literally one of my favs.


@maisarahmohdzaidi Hey there, I am so glad you liked book one thanks for the reads and votes. I am working on book two. It has been a slow-going process because I  was experiencing health problems and my job is also very demanding. I am working on it I am currently about halfway done with it. I hope to begin publishing soon.