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I asked then to stay outside with me again only for them to get angry with me. Another one of our friends who'd stay by my SO's side of the situation no matter what then got upset with me for staying with a friend that missed a lot. I then tried to talk to my SO about it only for me to not know what to say, i then got yelled at for staying with my friend for at least 30 minutes outside, not remembering their problems with trust, and to not stay inside where i'd get overstimulated to dance which I had done for the first 30 minutes to an hour before things got too much for me.
If I knew what to say I would have apologized for being a sad excuse for a man and ask for forgiveness, which i did ask for forgiveness even if the words were bitter to say. I just wanted to spend time with friends that i missed but things went south so quickly.
I tried my hardest to not cry because I didn't feel like i deserved the sympathy for it. I was also blamed for the friend i spent time with yelling at them after my SO yelled at them first. I don't know what to do cause I haven't been messaged since that night even though at the end things for some reason were ok, they just went back to normal?
Idk what to do honestly, Should i apologize again or what? I never really handled conflict well due to my family life but thats a lot to talk about some other time.
I feel as though it's all my fault but idk anymore. Things have just felt odd I guess, it's hard not being able to talk to them face-to-face anymore. I really fucking miss them also, I just feel like I'm not of much use for them anymore since we can't see each other as often. It doesn't help that they've also got a new crush which just makes me feel like I'm not enough, poly or not.
This all just fucking sucks tbh, You can give your thoughts in the comments below if you'd like