
Hi there, everyone! I know I've been absent for quite some time, and I hate to say that it's probably going to be a little bit longer before I can come back to Wattpad for any extended period of time. My university courses have picked up significantly this semester, and unfortunately my mental health has suffered because of it. Between focusing on my class load and avoiding any more panic attacks, writing has fallen to the wayside. Of course, I still have every intention of coming back to Wattpad, but I wanted to give all of my followers an update in the meantime. Thank you all for your support and I hope to be back to writing soon!


Hi there, everyone! I know I've been absent for quite some time, and I hate to say that it's probably going to be a little bit longer before I can come back to Wattpad for any extended period of time. My university courses have picked up significantly this semester, and unfortunately my mental health has suffered because of it. Between focusing on my class load and avoiding any more panic attacks, writing has fallen to the wayside. Of course, I still have every intention of coming back to Wattpad, but I wanted to give all of my followers an update in the meantime. Thank you all for your support and I hope to be back to writing soon!


To all of my gracious followers, I'm so sorry that I've disappeared these past few weeks/months. But that's the life of a busy university student! Winter break is starting soon though, and I look forward to taking some of that time to write things that won't be graded. Until then, thank you for your patience, good luck on any exams you may be taking, and you'll be reading my work again soon! 


I promised weekly updates of Through the Shadows, but I moved this week and currently have a WiFi connection to my tablet. The files I need to update are either on my computer or a USB that just won't work with a tablet. I'm working on the WiFi issue and hope to have it solved soon. My apologies and wish me luck.