At the age of 12 I created this account to read stories and daydream about a better future.

Now at age 19 I am reviving my account to tell my stories of the future I am attempting to create.

I was born in the United States, and at 18 I decided to take out my American roots and replant them in Europe, where I am currently carving out a place for myself.

I want to tell my story here as it happens, for anyone who is interested in knowing but mostly for myself.

I won't share too much about who I am here because I am hoping to remain anonymous, but here are some small details:

-The A at the top is for my second name

-The authors that have most impacted my life are Vladimir Nabokov, Ruta Sepetys, and Gail Carson Levine

-I believe it is a sin and a personal attack to replace the word "orgasmic" with "orgastic" in the last paragraph of The Great Gatsby
  • Brussels, Belgium
  • JoinedJune 9, 2012