Hello Lovliieess!! I really can't remember who I stole my bio from, Guess I am gonna have to write my own , SIGH!
Well, you know my name but you can call me Ego.
And the name says it all.
We all have a job to do, mine is to talk/type and yours is to read/listen. The tough part is that I gotta finish talking before you finish listening! ~ that's so cliche
We're two silly, boring people looking for something fun to do!
Fangirl about BTS!!! ARMYs all over the world🙆
I (one of us) love anime, and youtube is our bae!!
PM me if your as jobless as I am <early reply not guaranteed>
If you read all this plz be sure to check out my new born story. Its not too shabby. And comment on my message board what you think we AKA ego-sisters should be called. To prove that you read til hear type 'EgoRules' on my message board.
Okay, the real world needs me now, see ya suckers later.
Peace out!!
~ EgoSisters
  • Look left -------->Its the other way you idiot
  • BergabungFebruary 5, 2016

Pesan Terakhir
EgoSisters EgoSisters Nov 04, 2016 10:12AM
Guys check out @TacoMeetsMojitoShe wrote a book called VitaminJoy!!!!!!!!!!!!
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