
I've been rethinking my other stories and figured I should give them a different starting point at the very least... procrastination is the only factor here, but I still got a lot regarding SOTD before deciding that...
          	Keep an eye out everyone 


I've been rethinking my other stories and figured I should give them a different starting point at the very least... procrastination is the only factor here, but I still got a lot regarding SOTD before deciding that...
          Keep an eye out everyone 


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Right, so I just finished the mega chapter, cutting it short as I already put three - four fucking fight scenes and several different scenes as it is...And mind you, that bitch is 13000 words long, so good luck if you want to read that...
          I am writing the next chapter IMMEDIATELY, I don't want to rush things, but I really need to get this arc over with before I alter my plans for the next one...AGAIN


So... X-Men 97 is out and it's the clips alone that are motivating me to either get back on Deadpool Chronycles or do a prequel variant...
          I'm using my friends account...but I really don't want to download Disney+
          First World country problems at its finest...
          I'll see what I'll do after SOTD's mega chapter...


Despite the soon-to-be impending homework, the responsibilities of my apprenticeship and the never-ending cycle of procrastination...I have managed to officially start the Fate Of Warhammer Arc...
          This is big...
          Because once this arc is finished, the next arc, Isekai Ascension, will be all original chapters...best/worst part is, that's set to be the biggest part of this story....
          To all my bitches, bros and non-binary hoes...this is gonna be one hell of ride. And it would be amazing if you could join me...


Posted the latest chapter a few hours ago now.
          It's not a mega chapter, but it's still way bigger than the standard length...
          Do be sure to read and enjoy, maybe even leave a vote if you like...
          I spent a lot of time on it and would really appreciate it...


Quick notice...
          First, apologies for the lack of update...
          My next chapter for SOTD has just entered development and as I'm writing this while thinking of the plot as I go along...I can't say for certain this will not be a mega chapter or at the very least, be a part one...
          It should also be noted that I will soon start an apprenticeship, meaning regardless of what I decide, this will add on to the development time...
          Since SOTD's chapter will be quite chunky, this may give me an opportunity to work on smaller stories that don't require as much time or update/replace the character file...
          I'll see how everything plays out, and shuffle my deck accordingly...
          Thanks for reading...