Okay, so...lemme be upfront with you all, I hate introductions; mainly because I suck at them.

Okay...okay...first impressions.

Alright, easy stuff: I'm currently 17 years of age, American (and, like a quarter German • _ • I mean, I could be related to Noiz, you never know). I am, in fact, of the female gender, periods are much appreciated.

Not ( -_- )

I'm also a nerd/geek. Nerd-wise, science, history and English. The geek side is....more or less, more overwhelming.

Video games
YouTube fanatic (I only watch)
Weeb- er....anime fan ^^;; (might as well "embrace it" since I'm called it all the time)
I read a lot
And I'm a writer.

Well, I simply try ( ' ▽ ';;;)
I need practice and some feedback, what better place to do it than online with...reasonable...responsible....capable....relia-

I can't.
The internet doesn't deserve my lying to benefit.
Too late for them.

I know nothing's published now, but I'm working on it. Little patience....
  • Boise, ID
  • EntrouJuly 25, 2015

Última mensagem
ElectricEmi ElectricEmi Oct 10, 2016 06:00AM
Looking back at your older stuff, whether it be a story, previous drawings, anything that's artistic (though it's not just limited to that) is interesting.Yes, it's what some people would call 'crin...
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História de Emi
Art Book, de ElectricEmi
Art Book
My art stoof ☺️ Nothing special about it
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