Looking back at your older stuff, whether it be a story, previous drawings, anything that's artistic (though it's not just limited to that) is interesting.
Yes, it's what some people would call 'cringy', but it's almost empowering.
Think about it, when you compare the now and then. Sure, you'll giggle or crack a smile and think, 'Ha ha, I was so dumb.'
Some people aren't so positive.
I've had moments where I look at my older stuff and become ashamed or embarrassed, thinking I was an idiot (well, I was. Middle schoolers aren't always the brightest).
But don't.
Look at it and be proud, proud that you've made it this far. Proud at the amount of progress that you made.
Because as long as your happy with it that's all that matters, right?
However, that doesn't mean that you should remain there forever, in fact, please don't. You can't expect to get better if you just float in the surface. You have to drive deep into your potential and take every opportunity that you get.
Don't get discouraged by people who are, um, haters (yeah, haters -_-). In the wise words of Joey (theanimeman), "The moment you start getting people who hate you, and not only nice comments and such, is the moment you truly made it." (Gah, it was paraphrased).
This is not measured by votes or follows, this isn't a competition.
This is a place where we can get together and create art.
Beautiful art
Thrilling art
Horrifying art
Violent art
Sexual art (yes, that is considered an art form)
^^ You guys, have you realized the amount of porn on here? O.O
Wait, I was on roll...
Oh yeah!
What I'm trying to get across is be proud of your artistic expression, you might think it's crap, but someone else may think it's the most amazing thing they have ever seen.
We tend to tear ourselves down, it's normal, because we're our own biggest critic.
Ugh, this is what happens when I start up late.
Either that
Or Mystic Messenger finally got to me.
I'll just go now.