
28 years ago to the day, one of the greatest rock stars of all time died. Here's to you, Freddie Mercury! You were an inspiration to so many people and were never afraid to express your opinion. You felt no need to apologize for being yourself.  Music has not been the same since you died. We miss you, Mr. Fahrenheit!


28 years ago to the day, one of the greatest rock stars of all time died. Here's to you, Freddie Mercury! You were an inspiration to so many people and were never afraid to express your opinion. You felt no need to apologize for being yourself.  Music has not been the same since you died. We miss you, Mr. Fahrenheit!


Happy birthday, Freddie Mercury! Your energy and confidence inspire me on a daily basis, even when way too much time has passed since the last time I heard a Queen song. You were never afraid to express yourself and never gave in to anyone's dumb expectations. I look to you for confidence every time I find my own lacking. Happy birthday, Mr. Fahrenheit! Rest in power!


In response to recent events, I have written a parody on "I Want It All" by Queen. The parody is appropriately titled "I Want A Wall" and is the most recent part in my work Political Parodies, which is an effort in collaboration with my friend @Abigailmeira and a mutual friend who is not on Wattpad. It's basically a whole book of us dissing politics in a similar way to Capitol Steps. Enjoy!


Is anyone else getting sick of everyone's profile feeds showing up in notifications?  It made much more sense when all the feed stuff was sent to emails; that way, it was possible to get all the important stuff, like story updates, on the site and then be able it sort through all of the feed stuff in your email. Is anyone with me here?


Everyone, it's Earth Day and we need it more than ever. The current EPA is becoming more of an EDA - Environmental Destruction Agency. Trump and his government don't care about the Earth and think that global warming is fake. Anything that can be done to help the planet helps, even picking up a few pieces of trash or planting even one seed or plant. Below is the link to "Earth Song" by Michael Jackson, the message of which we need desperately these days.
          P.S.: Don't go to war about Michael Jackson here. The intention is to convey the message of the song and the music video.


this message may be offensive
Perhaps a bit late, allow me to make a statement about current events. I can't think of any possible way to emphasize this anywhere near enough, but Trump referring  to Haiti and several African countries as 'shitholes' is fucking unacceptable. Just because these countries are impoverished and their citizens aren't white doesn't mean that they are worthless. Many people live in this country who come from those countries and contribute enthusiastically to the country's economy, and plenty in the military.  Any of the countries that Trump is saying that he wants to accept immigrants from just because they are majority-white countries don't have any need for their citizens to escape from, which is why there hasn't been any discussion about people coming from those places. Immigration policies like DACA are directed to countries like the ones Trump has termed 'shitholes' for a reason: they have national conflicts that affect many of their civilians which are the reason that people need to immigrate out of there in the masses. I'm not saying anything against accepting people from Norway or similar majority-white countries that Trump favors, just that they don't have crises that force people out of them. With these  racist comments and everything else Trump is doing against immigrants, WE'RE going to become the shithole. At present, the only real shithole is Trump's underdeveloped brain.