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Perhaps a bit late, allow me to make a statement about current events. I can't think of any possible way to emphasize this anywhere near enough, but Trump referring to Haiti and several African countries as 'shitholes' is fucking unacceptable. Just because these countries are impoverished and their citizens aren't white doesn't mean that they are worthless. Many people live in this country who come from those countries and contribute enthusiastically to the country's economy, and plenty in the military. Any of the countries that Trump is saying that he wants to accept immigrants from just because they are majority-white countries don't have any need for their citizens to escape from, which is why there hasn't been any discussion about people coming from those places. Immigration policies like DACA are directed to countries like the ones Trump has termed 'shitholes' for a reason: they have national conflicts that affect many of their civilians which are the reason that people need to immigrate out of there in the masses. I'm not saying anything against accepting people from Norway or similar majority-white countries that Trump favors, just that they don't have crises that force people out of them. With these racist comments and everything else Trump is doing against immigrants, WE'RE going to become the shithole. At present, the only real shithole is Trump's underdeveloped brain.