
this message may be offensive
Hey yall, I am struggling with posting one here. For some reason the format keeps getting fucked up. Sooo, Please consider going to my website to read this story. It is FREEEEE, and I have been able to post up to chapter 26 of fight Ring on there. 
          	Once i figure out this headache, I’ll get everything caught up here


this message may be offensive
Hey yall, I am struggling with posting one here. For some reason the format keeps getting fucked up. Sooo, Please consider going to my website to read this story. It is FREEEEE, and I have been able to post up to chapter 26 of fight Ring on there. 
          Once i figure out this headache, I’ll get everything caught up here


Alright my beautiful readers! I have posted the first chapter of Fight Ring: ShinBakuDeku. For some reason it isn’t allowing any tags that pertain to MHA, so I am hoping that it gets to the correct audience. I would love it you went and left a star for me and even a comment  Thank you!!