"What's the matter, my sweet child? Hungry for stories? That's what I do. It's what I live for, to help unfortunate story readers like yourself. Poor fans with nowhere else to look at."

I admit that in the past my wrights were a bit of hasty,
they weren't wrong to criticise my work.
But you'll find that nowadays
I've mastered some new ways
Advanced, chanded style, with lightly smirk.

True? Yeeees.

And I fortunately know a bit of history.
It's a hobby that has caught my interest.
And my boyfriend, just for laught,
made a little paragraph,
making fun of the lonely and depressed
(I'm sorry.)

Poor unfortunate souls.
In pain.
In need.
This one wanted to get fanfic,
this one wanted histromance,
and did I write it?
Yes, I did.
Those poor unfortunate souls.
So mad.
Boo Hoo
They come searching my account,
spamming "Next chapter, Ema, please!"
And I write it.
Yes, I do.

Now it happened, once or twice,
Main roles did have to pay the price
and I'm afraid I had to cut them, goodbye, schluss!
With some crazy fandom base
I've tried to amaze,
those poor unfortunate souls.

*Evil laughter*
  • Some cave underwater (That's where all evil writers live)
  • Se ha unidoSeptember 5, 2014

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EmaZuro EmaZuro Jul 20, 2019 09:09AM
Takže Premium Wattpad, jo? Skvělé. Začínám mít regulérní pocit, že se celá tahle platforma řítí do pekel.
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