My name is Noelle{which means Christmas in French} and I'm 17 now :)
My favorite color is green(:

I'm really wrapped up in the fiction world, so my stories won't stray too far from anything mythological or unrealistic. So if you like that type of stuff, enjoy^^

In my free time I like to listen to music, read, write, and just stay on my laptop all day long.
Maybe I'm going through a phase or something, switching between things, but I write a lot of stories,
and people have told me that they're actually pretty good, so that's a comforting thought^^

So I'm using Wattpad as a way to post some of it instead of keeping it on my computer
and see if people actually do like my stuff. Hope you enjoy them as much as I like writing them :)
  • Üye olduDecember 26, 2011

Son Mesaj
EmeraldPetals EmeraldPetals Jun 23, 2013 12:58AM
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