
Hello lovelies,
          	Just wanted to pop a message on here to say how overwhelmed I am with everyone’s love and kind comments on this fic. I never expected 100 people to read Secrets and Masks, so the fact that it’s reached so many is astounding to me  
          	I was brand new to fandom when I started writing this fic. I know I’ve said it before, but I’m dyslexic, so grammar and correct spelling can be difficult for me, and I was learning as I went. I did run everything through Grammarly before I published, but I’m aware that there are still a lot of typo’s/ grammatical errors. 
          	I’m currently working with a couple of lovely ladies who have agreed to be Beta readers and help me with the re-editing process, but as you can imagine, with a fic this size it’s going to take time. Please be patient with us. 
          	Be kind to one another. Much love, 
          	Emerald x 


@Emerald_Slytherin  I love that yours is the first official fic of these two I've read. I loved it so so much. I cried for hours. This book has been my life for days! I really really need this in paper form for my obsession collection. I will be reading this again and again❤


@Emerald_Slytherin I read Secrets and Masks after reading Manacled all within 48 hours and all I did afterwards was cry for a week.
          	  Your work is brilliantly detailed and brought to life with twists, turns, and secrets a plenty which kept me on the edge of my seat. The characters felt incredibly real and mature from their childhoods, which also made them easy to follow and love. The found family that the Slytherin crew created in the end really brought it together for me and released the tears.
          	  Thank you for being you and doing what you do, keep going. I strive for my fic to one day be as loved as yours (if I can get it finally finished)


Loved it so so so much, it was so fun, entertaining, emotional, scary and breathtaking a to read a new chapter every week for such a long time. I always wanted to read more and could not wait for the next week hahah. So please continue to write more fanfics, ill always be a fan of your amazing writing.


i have been reading dramione fic sincs i was 11. i have spent years reading every single plot there is to exist. there are simply no words for me to describe how beautiful this piece is. there is absolutely nothing i would wish more than to read this book again and again till i memorize each and every word. bawling my eyes out rn thinking im so pathetic to write comments. whoever u are i hope u know u healed me by writimg this. i didnt even think that was possible. god. i hope u stay happy wherevr u are and u continue writing, i love draco amd hermione but most of all i love the demon and his little lion.


i agree with everything you just said she truly is amazing at what she did and i think it’s one of my favorites i’ve read


I'm thinking about reading secret and masks, does it have a happy ending?


@ usercorvina  hi, well you can't really classifiy it, but no. It's tragic and tore me appart. I couldn't read it, stopped for a long while, before I could continue. But I don't regret reading it.
            BUT in the end, the end is very fitting and gave me some peace!
            But please mind the tags in the first chapter and your age...


I have read this 3 times already and I could never say enough to give it the justice it deserves. Between the carefully planned structure and just the way the author has written this BOOK is insanely impressive. It is my favorite book I’ve ever read and when the hardcover copy comes out I will buy at least 4. I can never say enough about it and the plot is just so amazing. The detail she goes into and the way she makes everything happen so smoothly is a true talent. I’ve never seen an author with such talent and I hope this is brought to a printing company because this needs to be out immediately. This won’t be the last time I run back to this masterpiece.
          Never stop at what you do ❤️❤️
          Isabella M.




Hi, I just wanted to say that "Secrets and Masks" has been the first Dramione fanfic I have ever read, and it has set the bar REALLY HIGH for me. I loved all of your characters, especially Theo Nott. He was my favorite. I WISH this could be turned into a movie or show, and then again, I doubt they'd be able to live up to what I pictured in my mind.  Draco's and Hermione's relationship reminded me of a song called "Pillowtalk" by Zayn ft. Lil' Wayne. Thank you so much for this story. My emotions were everywhere the entire time. It's a gem.