Hello, darlings! Welcome to my little corner of wattpad! What is there to know about me? I write. I read. I make things. I love dystopia. I drink too much coffee. I blow out the candles on March 26th. I know too much music. I once ate a raw anchovy at summer camp for 10k points for my team. Alright, that last one might have been a little tmi. Anyways, I have been writing for over 17 years and hope to get my first book published very soon! I write dystopia (obviously), science fiction, fantasy, poetry, existentialism, dread, and the occasional vampire romance novel! I hope you'll stick around to read the strange concoctions that come out of my mind! 🖤
  • Trench
  • SumaliMarch 25, 2015

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Is anybody from the good ol' days still here? Asking for a friend 
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