
Please check the authors note in the latest chapter of Decay... your help would be greatly appreciated, and will allow for faster updates.
          	- Em


I figured it would probably be best if I threw this up here, so here's some stuff about Decay! Sorry lol
          1.) Updates now have an actual schedule. Previously I would post a chapter every four days, now I will be posting a new chapter every Wednesday. Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm doing this so I have more time to write better and hopefully longer chapters, and be confident in what I'm putting out instead of trying to put out as much as I can within the time I give myself.
          2.) Decay is also available on Ao3, if you didn't know. I don't put the links up everywhere because it's a bit screwy, but here's a link to the post on my Tumblr account, which will take you straight to it. --> https://the-egg-omelette.tumblr.com/post/180816528292/interitus-decay-emlettomelette-pastarru
          3.) There is an official Devestale amino. Join and post fanart, fanfics, music, pretty much anything in relation to Devestale or Decay. We love to see it. Really, it makes my day.